Monday, September 22, 2008

Guerilla Marketing

These are two of the ideas for my groups guerilla marketing scheme.

This one involves acquiring a bunch of those yellow envelopes the parking people use for tickets, and putting them on everyone's car, only with a fake ticket inside. Make it so that people think they have received a parking ticket, and thwart that with a humorous, or catchy card which we design inside.
A fake arrest... pretty self explanatory. This one would be great especially if used in conjunction with other marketing tactics. Use this to really shake the campus up and draw attention, maybe people will think it's for real, but throw in certain elements to make it seem just a little skewed, such as what the police say, what is written on the car, etc... There could even be several arrests made in different places on campus. The main thing is that it is loud and dramatic: lights, sirens, footchase, calls for backup... the works. Also a great way to get the campus police involved with what the studio is doing this year. The other marketing strategies can be viewed here. Kevin Lahti, Lily Glover, Katie

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