The top right drawing was used as reference and was taken from the book Drawing and Designing With Confidence. Mine didn't come out quite right, the lines were not nearly sharp enough, and my markers/pens were too new; I couldn't achieve the worn out marker look that caught my eye in the inspiration image.

The image above, the one at right being used for reference, was also taken from Drawing and Designing With Confidence. For the same reasons as stated above, my picture didn't come out right. This technique isn't suited well to what I was drawing, there was not nearly enough perspective or detail to make it look right.

This page came from a book called Drawing Crime Noir, by Christopher Hart. The way you can only use two values proved to be more challenging than expected, but I think it turned out alright. It portrays the EUC as a place where you stand a fair chance of getting mugged if you aren't packing heat. This dramatic effect is just so cool to me.